Investigating the Influence of Problem Gambling on Suicidality in a Large Birth Cohort.


Olly Bastiani, School of Psychological Science, University of Bristol


Recent research has highlighted a link between problem gambling and suicidal thoughts/attempts, but much of this research is cross-sectional and the direction or causality of this relationship is still uncertain. Some longitudinal research has examined potential causal effects of problem gambling (Wardle, 2023), but this only examines data from a short period of young adulthood so we cannot rule out prior suicidality as a cause. In our current study, we propose a conceptual replication of Wardle’s study, conducted as secondary analysis of the ALSPAC dataset, a large birth cohort study, which will allow us to measure suicidality pre-dating gambling behaviour. We hope to investigate whether Wardle’s cross-sectional and longitudinal findings replicate in this new, larger, cohort, and expand upon these by ruling out alternative explanations and investigating other interactions which may be occurring. Long term, it is hoped that this research can inform suicide prevention interventions for problem gamblers, if casual associations are found.