
Below is the poster schedule, assigning each poster a number; on the morning of May 9th (day 2), presenters may set up their poster on the assigned display board.

Number Author Title
1 Alice Gilmour What do secondary school pupils eat at school? The barriers experienced in collecting transactional data from canteen purchases.
2 Poppy Taylor The role of inequalities in managing symptoms of menstruation: harnessing shopping data to innovate female reproductive health research.
3 Romana Burgess Understanding moderators of consent regarding the sharing of supermarket shopping data in ALSPAC.
4 Neo Poon Studying Health and Illness Experience using Linked Data (SHIELD): Empowering customers to donate shopping data for chronic pain research.
5 Heet Sankesara RADAR-Pipeline: Scalable Feature Generation for Mobile Health Data.
6 Yuezhou  Zhang Exploring Digital Biomarkers for Depression Using Mobile Technology.
7 Keneuoe Maliehe Earth Observations, Digital Footprints and Machine-Learning: Greenhouse Gas Stocktaking for Climate Change Mitigation.
8 Gregor Milligan Developing a food-insecurity prevalence map for London – a machine learning from food-sharing footprints.
9 Victoria Jenneson Has HFSS legislation led to healthier food and beverage sales? The DIO-Food protocol – using supermarket sales data for policy evaluation.
10 Bogna Liziniewicz Digital footprints as means of measuring loneliness experience and embeddedness in social networks for designing digital mental health interventions.
11 Raphael Derecki Leveraging multiple digital footprint datasets to predict racial, sex-based, and sexual-orientation bias across US states.
12 Eszter Vigh Alcohol Interventions on Online Grocery Shopping Platforms.
13 Fiona Rasanga Understanding Vulnerability to the Poverty Premium: An Analysis of Factors Influencing Use of High-Cost Credit Among Low-Income Individuals.
14 Nathan Bourne Challenges in access, representativeness, and bias in smart financial data relating to income volatility and economic insecurity.
15 Daniel Joinson The dynamics of emotion expression on Twitter and mental health in a UK longitudinal study.
16 Tarek Al Baghal Using social media metrics and linked survey data to understand survey behaviors.
17 Luca Panzone Understanding the impact of alcohol excises on the market for alcoholic drinks in UK supermarkets using scanner data
18 John Harvey How many calories do you get for your money and what does it mean for your health? Studying Calorie-Oriented Purchasing (COP) through digital footprint data
19 Khaled El-Shamandi Ahmed Cybertherapy: Augmented Reality Consumption to improve Imagination and Well-Being