Dr Anya Skatova: anya.skatova@bristol.ac.uk. Anya is a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Bristol where she leads Digital Footprints Lab. She also holds UKRI Future Leaders and Turing Fellowships. Her work focuses on realising the value of shopping history data for population health research through linking data into longitudinal population studies. Anya studies a variety of issues, including diet, reproductive health and mental health.

Dr Michelle Morris: m.morris@leeds.ac.uk. Michelle is an Associate Professor and Turing Fellow based in the Leeds Institute for Data Analytics and School of Medicine. She leads the Nutrition and Lifestyle Analytics team. Her interdisciplinary research uses novel forms of data, including supermarket transaction records, for research into lifestyle behaviours and health. She is a co-investigator for the Consumer Data Research Centre. Michelle leads a number of projects collaborating with retailers.
Scientific & Organising Committee
Dr Neo Poon, Research Fellow, University of Bristol
Elizabeth Dolan, PhD Candidate, University of Nottingham
Dr Francesca Pontin, Research Fellow, University of Leeds
Dr Victoria Jenneson, Research Fellow, University of Leeds
Victoria Sivill, PhD Candidate, University of Bristol and Alan Turing Institute
Dr James Goulding, Associate Professor, University of Nottingham