Management of heavy menstrual bleeding: Women’s voices informing future health research

Last Thursday, Poppy attended the ‘Management of heavy menstrual bleeding: Women’s voices informing future health research’ event, hosted by The EVIdencE Synthesis and Methodology Group for Women’s Health Research (EVIE) group at UCL. 

The day included several sessions on patient-led approaches for women’s health research. The multidisciplinary group is using a combination of systematic reviews, health economics analyses and surveys to better understand patient journeys and treatment preferences.

A highlight of the day was a ‘lived experience’ panel in which patients with menstrual health conditions – such as endometriosis and fibroids – shared their stories. The session gave invaluable insights into the realities of dealing with the many physical, emotional and socioeconomic impacts that come with managing heavy periods.

Poppy said: “The room was filled with passionate people including patients, clinicians, advocates and researchers. The state of women’s healthcare is incredibly frustrating at times but I feel hopeful knowing that by working together, this space is ripe for change.”

Poppy’s PhD project focusses on using shopping data to study menstrual health management. Read more here.