Flash talks: Session 1

Location: Priory Road Complex Lecture Theatre (12 Priory Rd, Bristol BS8 1TU)

10:45 – 11:00Development and use of a short mood survey
for collecting ground truth in digital footprints
Nina Di Cara
University of Bristol
11:00 – 11:15Predicting Healthy Start Scheme Uptake using
deprivation and food insecurity measures.
Kuzi Makokoro
N/LAB, Nottingham University
Business School
11:15 – 11:30Who donates food purchase data for research? Results from two nationwide data collection efforts in Finland.Anna-Leena Vuorinen
Tampere University, Finland
11:30 – 11:45Continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) for 308
older-age participants in an English birth cohort:
variability and correlates.
Sophie Eastwood
MRC Unit for Lifelong Health
& Ageing at UCL