Call for Participation: Digital Footprints ’24

Digital Footprints Lab extends a warm invitation for you to join us at the Digital Footprints 2024 conference, taking place at the University of Bristol on May 8th and 9th. Building on the triumph of last year’s event (details available here and here), this year’s conference is centred around the theme of Social Impact. It is designed to engage researchers and practitioners from the academic, industry, policy and other sectors who are involved with digital footprints data research in its broadest sense.
We are thrilled to announce an exciting  lineup of invited speakers including  Osama Rahman (Director of Data Science Campus, Office of National Statistics, UK), Frederik Trier Møller (Department of Infectious Disease Epidemiology and Prevention, Statens Serum Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark), and Jeff Brunstorm (Professor of Experimental Psychology, School of Psychological Sciences, University of Bristol, UK), with more additions underway. Digital Footprints community participation is highly valued, and we eagerly anticipate your contributions, whether in the form of research abstracts or, introducing a new feature this year, panel and workshop submissions.
The submission deadline is February 9th, and additional details about the conference can be found here. 
Please share this widely with relevant communities and colleagues.
Should you have any further inquiries, please feel free to reach out to Anya Skatova on 
On behalf of organising committee
Anya Skatova