Policy Briefings
Novel Data Linkages for Health and Wellbeing Turing Interest Group. (2024) The potential of digital footprint data for health & wellbeing research (Policy Briefing). The Alan Turing Institute. https://www.turing.ac.uk/sites/default/files/2024-03/digital-footprint-policy-briefing-150324.pdf
Blogs and Articles
Taylor, P. (2025, March 19). How a lack of period product regulation harms our health and the planet. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/how-a-lack-of-period-regulation-harms-our-health-and-our-planet-248941
Burgess, R. (2025, March 12). Could your shopping save lives? IFL Science. https://www.iflscience.com/could-your-shopping-save-lives-78223
Skatova, A., Fryer, L., Poon, N., Burgess, R., Suhag, A., Taylor, P (2024, October 21). Loyalty card data and public health. Smart Data Research UK. https://www.sdruk.ukri.org/2024/10/22/loyalty-card-data-and-public-health/
Burgess, R., Skatova, A., & Morris, M. (2024, March 27). How your ‘digital footprint’ could unlock new insights in health research. The Alan Turing Institute. https://www.turing.ac.uk/blog/how-your-digital-footprint-could-unlock-new-insights-health-research
Taylor, P. (2024, June 27). Education is failing to prepare young people for periods: The problems and solutions. Women’s Environmental Network. https://www.wen.org.uk/2024/06/27/education-is-failing-to-prepare-young-people-for-periods-the-problems-and-solutions/
Skatova, A., & Goulding, J. (2015, January 12). Donate your data – how your digital footprint can be used for the public good. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/donate-your-data-how-your-digital-footprint-can-be-used-for-the-public-good-35525
Skatova, A. (2015, August 13). Don’t expect straight answers on data sharing from the firms that profit from it. The Conversation. https://theconversation.com/dont-expect-straight-answers-on-data-sharing-from-the-firms-that-profit-from-it-46029
Conference Abstracts
Burgess, R., Skatova, A., & Taylor, P. (2024). Understanding moderators of consent regarding the sharing of supermarket shopping data in ALSPAC. International Journal of Population Data Science, 9(4).
Poon, N., Haworth, C., Dolan, E., & Skatova, A. (2024). Studying Health and Illness Experience using Linked Data (SHIELD): Empowering customers to donate shopping data for chronic pain research. International Journal of Population Data Science, 9(4).
Taylor, P., Skatova, A., Howe, L., Fraser, A., & Knight, H. (2024). The role of inequalities in managing symptoms of menstruation: harnessing shopping data to innovate female reproductive health research. International Journal of Population Data Science, 9(4).
Skatova, A., Stewart, N., Flavahan, E., & Goulding, J. (2023). Daily, Weekly and Monthly Variation in Lunch Time Calories. International Journal of Population Data Science, 8(3).
Poon, N., Goulding, J., & Skatova, A. (2023). Behavioural entropy as an individual difference. International Journal of Population Data Science, 8(3).
Sivill, T., Ljevar, V., Goulding, J., & Skatova, A. (2023). What can transactional data reveal about the prevalence of menstrual pain in England?. International Journal of Population Data Science, 8(3).