Anya presents at Jean Golding’s 85th Birthday celebration!

On September 11th,  over 200 researchers gathered at We The Curious for Jean Golding’s 85th birthday event, celebrating the incredible impact of her work on the Avon Longitudinal Study of Parents and Children (ALSPAC). Anya spoke at the event, giving a talk entitled “Shopping Trolley Secrets: What Can Your Shopping Basket Say About Your Health?”.

Anya discussed her work on supermarket shopping data, explaining how our everyday choices can uncover patterns related to diet, reproductive health, and more. She explained previous and ongoing work linking shopping data into ALSPAC, and how the lab’s research may contribute to better public health strategies in the future.

The event was a wonderful tribute to Jean Golding, highlighting how her work has paved the way for innovative research like Anya’s throughout Bristol and beyond.